In this notebook we discuss how we can easily compare images of two or more different time slices, satellites or other earth observation products. We limit our selves to products on a regular grid with an associated coordinate reference system (CRS), known as a raster. This means that each cell of the raster contains an attribute value and location coordinates. The process of combining such rasters to form datacubes is called raster stacking. We can have datacubes in many forms, such as the spatiotemporal datacube:

\[Z = f(x,y,t) \quad \text{,}\]

or when dealing with electromagnetic spectrum, the spectral wavelengths may form an additional dimension of a cube:

\[Z = f(x,y,t, \lambda ) \quad \text{.} \]

We also have already encountered the case where \(Z\) consists of multiple variables, such as seen in the xarray dataset.

\[{Z_1,Z_2,...,Z_3} = f(x,y,t) \]

To perform raster stacking, we generally follow a certain routine (see also Figure 1).

  1. Collect data (GeoTIFF, NetCDF, Zarr)
  2. Select an area of interest
  3. Reproject all rasters to the same projection, resolution, and region
  4. Stack the individual rasters

To get the same projection, resolution, and region we have to resample one (or more) products. The desired projection, resolution, and region can be adopted from one of the original rasters or it can be a completely new projection of the data.

Figure 1: Stacking of arrays to form datacubes (source:

In this notebook we will study two different SAR products. SAR data from the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (Alos-2), which is a Japanese platform with an L-band sensor from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and C-band data from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission. It is our goal to compare C- with L-band, so we need to somehow stack these arrays.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import rioxarray  # noqa
import hvplot.xarray  # noqa
import folium

from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
from shapely.geometry import mapping, box
from shapely import affinity
from rasterio.enums import Resampling

from pathlib import Path
from functools import partial

4.1 Download Data

For this exercise we will download a set of GeoTIFF files for both Sentinel-1 and Alos-2, where each image has it’s own timestamp for the acquisition.

data_path = snapshot_download(
data_path = Path(data_path)

4.2 Loading Data

Before loading the data into memory we will first look at the area covered by the Sentinel-1 dataset on a map. This way we can select a region of interest for our hypothetical study. We will extract and transform the bounds of the data to longitude and latitude.

bbox = xr.open_mfdataset(
    (data_path / "sentinel-1").glob("**/*.tif"),

bbox = box(*bbox)

map = folium.Map(
    location=[bbox.centroid.y, bbox.centroid.x],

# bounds of image
folium.GeoJson(mapping(bbox), name="Area of Interest", color="red").add_to(map)

# minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude, maximum latitude
area_of_interest = box(10.3, 45.5, 10.6, 45.6)

folium.GeoJson(mapping(area_of_interest), name="Area of Interest").add_to(map)

Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Figure 2: Map of study area. Red rectangle is the area covered by the Sentinel-1 raster. Blue rectangle is the area of interest.

On the map we have drawn rectangles of the area covered by the images and of our selected study area. To prevent loading too much data we will now only load the data as defined by the blue rectangle on the folium map.

The Sentinel-1 data is now stored on disk as separate two-dimensional GeoTIFF files with a certain timestamp. The following s1_preprocess function allows to load all files in one go as a spatiotemporal datacube. Basically, the preprocessing function helps reading the timestamp from the file and adds this as a new dimension to the array. The latter allows a concatenation procedure where all files are joined along the new time dimension. In addition by providing area_of_interest.bounds to the parameter bbox we will only load the data of the previously defined area of interest.

def s1_preprocess(x, bbox, scale):
    Preprocess file.

    x : xarray.Dataset
    bbox: tuple
      minimum longitude minimum latitude maximum longitude maximum latitude
    scale: float
      scaling factor

    path = Path(x.encoding["source"])
    filename =
    x =*bbox, crs="EPSG:4326")

    date_str = filename.split("_")[0][1:]
    time_str = filename.split("_")[1][:6]
    datetime_str = date_str + time_str
    date = pd.to_datetime(datetime_str, format="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
    x = x.expand_dims(dim={"time": [date]})

    x = (
        x.rename({"band_data": "s1_" + path.parent.stem})

    return x * scale

We load the data again with open_mfdataset and by providing the preprocess function, including the bounds of the area of interest and the scaling factor, as follows:

partial_ = partial(s1_preprocess, bbox=area_of_interest.bounds, scale=0.01)

s1_ds = xr.open_mfdataset(
    (data_path / "sentinel-1").glob("**/*.tif"),

4.3 Unlocking Geospatial Information

To enable further stacking of ALOS-2 and Sentinel-1 data we need to know some more information about the raster. Hence we define the following function print_raster to get the projection (CRS), resolution, and region (bounds). The function leverages the functionality of rioxarray; a package for rasters.

def print_raster(raster, name):
    Print Raster Metadata

    raster: xarray.DataArray|xarray.DataSet
        raster to process
    y: string
        name of product

        f"{name} Raster: \n----------------\n"
        f"resolution: {} {}\n" #noqa
        f"bounds: {}\n"
        f"CRS: {}\n"

print_raster(s1_ds, "Sentinel-1")
Sentinel-1 Raster: 
resolution: (10.0, -10.0) ('metre', 1.0)
bounds: (4769370.0, 1382090.0, 4794450.0, 1397370.0)
CRS: EPSG:27704

The CRS “EPSG 27704” is part of the EQUI7Grid. This grid provides equal-area tiles, meaning each tile represents the same area, which helps reducing distorsions. This feature is important for remote sensing as it reduces the so-called oversampling due to geometric distortions when projecting on a sphere. This particular projection is developed by TUWien.

Now we will proceed with loading the ALOS-2 L-band data in much the same fashion as for Sentinel-1. Again timeslices are stored separately as individual GeoTIFFS and they need to be concatenated along the time dimension. We use a slightly different preprocessing function alos_preprocess for this purpose. The most notable difference of this function is the inclusion of a scaling factor for the 16-bit digital numbers (DN):

\[\gamma^0_T = 10 * log_{10}(\text{DN}^2) - 83.0 \,dB\]

to correctly convert the integers to \(\gamma^0_T\) in the dB range.

def alos_preprocess(x, bbox):
    Preprocess file.

    x : xarray.Dataset
    bbox: tuple
      minimum longitude minimum latitude maximum longitude maximum latitude

    path = Path(x.encoding["source"])
    filename =
    x =*bbox, crs="EPSG:4326")

    date_str = filename.split("_")[0][15:22]
    date = pd.to_datetime(date_str, format="%y%m%d")
    x = x.expand_dims(dim={"time": [date]})

    x = (
        x.rename({"band_data": "alos_" + path.parent.stem})

    # conversion to dB scale of alos
    return 10 * np.log10(x**2) - 83.0

Now we load the data with the open_mfdataset function of xarray and we provide the preprocessing function (see above), which includes the selection of the bounds of an area of interest and the extraction of time stamps from the file name.

area_of_interest = affinity.scale(area_of_interest, xfact=1.7, yfact=1.7)
partial_ = partial(alos_preprocess, bbox=area_of_interest.bounds)

alos_ds = xr.open_mfdataset(
    (data_path / "alos-2").glob("**/*.tif"),

Also, for this dataset we will look at the metadata in order to compare it with Sentinel-1.

print_raster(alos_ds, "ALOS-2")
ALOS-2 Raster: 
resolution: (25.0, -25.0) ('metre', 1.0)
bounds: (593137.5, 5035287.5, 633312.5, 5054912.5)
CRS: EPSG:32632

4.4 Reprojecting

The ALOS-2 is projected on an UTM grid. We would therefore like to reproject this data to match the projection of Sentinel-1. Furthermore, we will upsample the data to match the Sentinel-1 sampling. The rioxarray package has a very convenient method that can do this all in one go:reproject_match. For continuous data it is best to use a bilinear resampling strategy. As always you have to consider again that we deal with values in the dB range, so we need to convert to the linear scale before bilinear resampling.

alos_ds_lin = 10 ** (alos_ds / 10)
alos_ds_lin =
alos_ds = 10 * np.log10(alos_ds_lin)

We will overwrite the coordinate values of ALOS-2 with those of Sentinel-1. If we would not do this last step, small errors in how the numbers are stored would prevent stacking of the rasters.

alos_ds = alos_ds.assign_coords({

Lastly, we will turn the xarray.DataSet to an xarray.DataArray where a new dimension will constitute the sensor for measurement (satellite + polarization).

s1_da = s1_ds.to_array(dim="sensor")
alos_da = alos_ds.to_array(dim="sensor")
<xarray.DataArray (sensor: 2, time: 9, y: 1528, x: 2508)> Size: 276MB
dask.array<stack, shape=(2, 9, 1528, 2508), dtype=float32, chunksize=(1, 1, 1528, 2508), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
  * x            (x) float64 20kB 4.769e+06 4.769e+06 ... 4.794e+06 4.794e+06
  * y            (y) float64 12kB 1.397e+06 1.397e+06 ... 1.382e+06 1.382e+06
  * time         (time) datetime64[ns] 72B 2022-06-25T05:27:26 ... 2022-10-11...
    spatial_ref  int64 8B 0
  * sensor       (sensor) object 16B 's1_VH' 's1_VV'

4.5 Stacking of Multiple Arrays

Now we are finally ready to stack Sentinel-1 C-band and ALOS-2 L-band arrays with the function concat of xarray. Now we can use the newly defined "sensor" dimension to concatenate the two arrays.

fused_da = xr.concat([s1_da, alos_da], dim="sensor").rename("gam0")
<xarray.DataArray 'gam0' (sensor: 4, time: 14, y: 1528, x: 2508)> Size: 858MB
dask.array<concatenate, shape=(4, 14, 1528, 2508), dtype=float32, chunksize=(2, 1, 1094, 1094), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
  * x            (x) float64 20kB 4.769e+06 4.769e+06 ... 4.794e+06 4.794e+06
  * y            (y) float64 12kB 1.397e+06 1.397e+06 ... 1.382e+06 1.382e+06
  * time         (time) datetime64[ns] 112B 2022-06-25 ... 2022-10-15
  * sensor       (sensor) object 32B 's1_VH' 's1_VV' 'alos_HV' 'alos_HH'
    spatial_ref  int64 8B 0

The measurements for both satellites don’t occur at the same time. Hence the cube is now padded with 2-D arrays entirely filled with NaN (Not A Number) for some time slices. As we have learned in notebook 2 we can use the resample method to make temporally coherent timeslices for each month. To deal with the dB scale backscatter values as well as the low number of observations per month we use a median of the samples. As taking the median only sorts the samples according to the sample quantiles we do not have to convert the observations to the linear scale.

fused_da = fused_da.\
    resample(time="ME", skipna=True).median().compute()

We can plot each of the variables: “ALOS-2” and “Sentinel-1” to check our results.

    hvplot.image(robust=True, data_aspect=1, cmap="Greys_r", rasterize=True).\
    opts(frame_height=600, aspect="equal")

Figure 3: Stacked array with ALOS-2 L-band and Sentinel-1 C-band \(\gamma^0_T (dB)\).